I'm doing hourlies this year! Here's the first batch


Shaky pen drawing. 12 a.m., 1 a.m., 2 a.m. A man sleeps in bed with a smile on his face. Caption: Dreamland.

3 a.m. Our man stands in the shower thinking, I don't have time for a shower but I need it so bad.

4 a.m. Our man stands at a computer terminal. Caption: Clock in. A futuristic machine dispenses a beverage. Caption: Coffee time!

5 a.m. Our man wears a headset. Thru the earpiece someone shouts, We need a 5, not a 10! Too late, the man thinks. Caption: Work screw-up.

6 a.m. Sad sandwich.

7 a.m. Caption: Debrief with supe. Our man says, They put me in a bad position. Another man, wearing a baseball cap, says, I one hundred percent agree.

8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m. Our man wears big headphones. He is drooling a bit. Caption: Watch boring TV. (This is my job.)

12 p.m. A car goes putt putt. Drive home. Stop for a King Size Caramello (candy bar).

1 p.m. Our man sits and draws. Caption: Draw hourlies. (Totally cheating.)

2 p.m. Our man sits in meditation posture. Caption: Sweet zazen.

1 February 2025

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